Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Planning Parenthood ... or, Getting to Know Us

"Children are still getting to know their parents. I'm only 5 years old, and so I'm still getting to know you and Daddy. ...I'd like to observe you more, so that I'll know if I can trust you with my babies someday."

Every morning, 5-year-old Sophia Claire wakes as a wise woman, as if freshly roused from a collective dream, draped in a mist of musings from ancient grandmothers. Perhaps she, too, will be a grandmother one day. 'Til then --

usings -- or, perhaps more appropriately, mewsings -- on our present-day experiences as a homeschooling family will be included here on these pages.

Perhaps I should mention -- Sophia Claire's alternative (pretend) self is a kitten. After all, Sophia Claire's adopted sisters, twin domestic short-haired calico kittens, share her birthday as adopted ones sometimes do. Which is to say, we don't know their real birthday, since they were rescued from a shelter, thanks to the caring people of AARF Atlanta.

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